Gum bleeding after deep cleaning

Gum bleeding after deep cleaning, a dental procedure often prescribed to combat gum disease, can lead to queries and concerns from patients. This article seeks to offer clarity on this topic, drawing from expert insights and addressing common questions. We will delve into the reasons behind gum bleeding post-deep cleaning, explore the healing process, and suggest effective home remedies and preventative measures.

The Deep Cleaning Procedure

Deep cleaning, also known as scaling and root planning, is a method used by dentists to mitigate the effects of gum disease. Contrary to routine cleaning, which focuses on plaque and tartar removal from tooth surfaces and between teeth, deep cleaning goes a step further. It targets bacterial buildup beneath the gumline, a region not reached by routine cleaning.

The process involves two steps:

  1. Scaling: With the help of special tools, the dental hygienist scrapes off plaque and tartar from tooth surfaces below the gumline.
  2. Root Planning: Post-scaling, the hygienist employs a different toolset to smoothen the surface of teeth beneath the gumline. This step makes it harder for bacteria to stick to the tooth surface, thereby preventing future buildup.

In severe cases, deep cleaning might need to be supplemented with osseous surgery, an advanced form of surgical deep cleaning.

Why Opt for Deep Cleaning?

Deep cleaning is a responsive treatment that is recommended when signs of gum disease emerge. Regular dental check-ups every six months can help identify these signs early, allowing dentists to recommend deep cleaning before the condition worsens.

Some common signs of early-stage gum disease include persistent bad breath, red or swollen gums, tender gums, bleeding gums, pain while chewing, and visible gum recession. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your dentist promptly to prevent the progression of gum disease.

The Aftermath: Pain and Bleeding

Despite being a relatively painless procedure, some people experience pain and discomfort after deep cleaning. While most cases of mild pain will resolve themselves within a few days, instances of intense pain or persistent bleeding necessitate immediate professional attention.

If you experience significant gum bleeding or pain after a deep cleaning procedure, don’t hesitate to contact your dentist. This could indicate an infection or other serious issues within your mouth or gums. Understanding the healing timeline for bleeding gums can help you identify when there’s a problem and alert your dentist before any damage can occur.

The Healing Process of Deep Cleaning

Post a deep cleaning procedure, minor gum bleeding and discomfort are common. However, if your gums bleed profusely or if you experience major pain, this could be an indication of something more serious.

Ordinarily, patients might experience some soreness and slight bleeding of the gums for a few days (24–48 hours) post-procedure. However, within four weeks, the bleeding should cease. If it doesn’t, this could indicate the presence of fractured calculus under the gums, and you might need to consult a gum disease specialist for more advanced periodontal treatment.

Home Remedies for Sore, Bleeding Gums

Good oral hygiene can significantly reduce the risk of gum disease and tooth decay. Home remedies can help manage sore, bleeding gums post deep cleaning. Here are some effective ones:

  • Rinsing with a saltwater solution: This is a good starting point.
  • Rinsing with baking soda solution: Dissolve 3 teaspoons of baking soda in 1 quart of warm water and gargle with it at least once a day.
  • Rinsing with lemon juice: Citric acid, a natural antibacterial agent, can help fight inflammation.
  • Using crushed ice: Rubbing crushed ice over the teeth can soothe gum tissue.
  • Rinsing with apple cider vinegar: ACV has natural anti-inflammatory properties. You can use one teaspoon of ACV dissolved in 1 quart of warm water or make an infusion with three tablespoons of vinegar in 1 cup of boiling water. Let it cool before drinking.

Remember, if your inflamed gums persist, your first stop should be your dentist who can take an accurate medical history and decide the best course of treatment.

The Role of the Dental Professional

The effectiveness of deep cleaning is significantly impacted by the experience of the dental professional performing the treatment. Experienced operators typically achieve a greater reduction in bleeding post-cleaning and render more effective root surface debridement.

The Impact of Patient’s Home Hygiene

The management of plaque post-deep cleaning plays a crucial role in gum health. Accumulated plaque can cause gum bleeding and deepen periodontal pockets. Here are some suggestions to maintain oral hygiene at home:

  • Proper Brushing: Hold a soft toothbrush at a 45-degree angle and press gently against the teeth where they meet the gum tissue. Move the brush back and forth, using short strokes, keeping the bristles in one place.
  • Flossing: At least once a day, use a piece of floss (12–18 inches in length) to clean between your teeth.
  • Frequency: Full removal of plaque needs to be done once a day.

The Influence of Medical History, Genetics, and Stress

Medical conditions affecting the immune system and bleeding disorders may make patients more susceptible to bleeding gums before and after a deep cleaning. Genetics can also predispose an individual to gum disease. Long periods of stress or worry weaken the immune system, making it harder for the body to fight off periodontal disease, which may result in gum bleeding.

Post-Cleaning Care

After deep cleaning, certain care needs to be taken to ensure the best outcome. Since local anesthesia is administered before the procedure, avoid eating while your mouth is still numb to prevent unintentional biting of the tongue or gums.

Your gums and teeth will be sensitive after the procedure. Avoid hot or cold, hard or sharp foods, and anything that requires excessive chewing for around 48 hours. Over-the-counter pain medications can effectively manage any pain or discomfort you may experience.

Reattachment of Gums after Deep Cleaning

The healing process post-deep cleaning includes the reattachment of your gums to your teeth. Though complete healing can take several weeks, you shouldn’t experience any discomfort as your gums heal and reattach.

Preventing Future Gum Disease

Preventing gum disease is a continuous process that requires consistent oral hygiene practices and regular dental check-ups. A good dental hygiene routine, combined with professional dental cleanings, can effectively protect your teeth and gums from disease.

The Picasso Dental Clinic Advantage

At Picasso Dental Clinic, we offer a comprehensive range of dental services, from routine checkups to complex procedures such as braces, Invisalign, and full mouth implants. Since our inception in 2013, we have served over 57,000 overseas patients from 62 different nationalities. Our commitment to accessible, professional, and optimistic dental care has made us one of the best dental clinics in Vietnam.