Gummy Smile Surgery

Do you have a gummy smile, also known as excessive gingival display? Many individuals find this issue to be a source of embarrassment or insecurity

Excessive gum exposure can result from various oral problems, including jaw development issues, an incorrect bite, or a hyperactive or overly short upper lip. The burning question is: Can a gummy smile be fixed?

Whether you’re looking to improve your gummy smile for aesthetic reasons or to address underlying concerns, there are solutions available. Explore a variety of treatment options, both non-surgical and surgical, such as orthodontic treatment, crowns, gingivectomy, or lip repositioning surgery

Keep reading to discover the best option for achieving the smile you’ve always desired.


What Causes a Gummy Smile?

Gummy smiles occur when a substantial portion of the gum tissue becomes visible during a person's smile. Several factors can contribute to the development of gummy smiles

  1. Excessive Gum Tissue: Some individuals naturally have an overabundance of gum tissue covering their teeth. This condition can be attributed to genetic factors or variations in gum development.

  2. Abnormal Tooth Eruption: Improper eruption or positioning of the teeth can lead to a gummy smile. When teeth do not fully emerge from the gums, they may appear shorter, and more gum tissue becomes noticeable when smiling.

  3. Hyperactive Upper Lip Muscles: Hyperactivity in the muscles of the upper lip can cause the lip to rise higher than usual when smiling. This increased muscle movement can expose a greater portion of the gums.

  4. Altered Tooth and Jaw Development: Bite problems, such as an overbite or vertical maxillary excess, can affect the alignment and development of teeth and jaws. These conditions can make the gums appear more prominent, contributing to a gummy smile.

  5. Teeth Grinding or Clenching (Bruxism): Persistent teeth grinding or clenching, known as bruxism, can result in excessive wear of the teeth. Over time, this can lead to shorter teeth, with more gum tissue becoming apparent.

  6. Certain Medications or Health Conditions: Some medications, such as anticonvulsants and immunosuppressants, may cause gum overgrowth as a side effect. Additionally, health conditions like hormonal imbalances or gingival hypertrophy can play a role in the development of gummy smiles.

  7. Dental Restorations: In certain cases, the placement of dental restorations like crowns or veneers can create an uneven gum line or excessive gum display.

Understanding these contributing factors is essential for individuals seeking solutions to address their gummy smiles effectively.