Dental crown healing time

When it comes to achieving a perfect smile and restoring dental function, dental crowns are a popular choice. Whether you have undergone a dental crown procedure for a weak tooth, a broken tooth, or to cover a large filling or root canal, it’s important to understand the recovery process after the treatment. While dental crown procedures are generally safe and straightforward, it is essential to follow certain steps to ensure a fast and successful recovery. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the healing time for dental crowns and provide valuable tips for post-procedure care.

The Dental Crown Procedure: A Brief Overview

Before delving into the recovery process, let’s briefly recap the dental crown procedure. Dental crown placement typically involves two stages, each requiring a separate visit to the dentist. During the initial visit, the dentist examines the roots and surrounding bone tissue of the tooth that will receive the crown. After ensuring the abutment tooth’s health, the dentist reshapes it to accommodate the crown and takes an impression of the tooth. This impression is then sent to a dental lab, where a permanent crown is custom-made based on the patient’s unique specifications. In the meantime, a temporary crown is placed to protect the prepared tooth. Once the permanent crown is ready, it is cemented onto the abutment tooth during a subsequent visit.

Recovery Period and Initial Discomfort

Following the dental crown procedure, it is normal to experience some discomfort and sensitivity. The recovery period usually lasts for a few days as the body adjusts to the newly placed crown. Immediately after the procedure, you may notice inflammation, irritation, and soreness in the treated area. This discomfort can be managed with medication prescribed by your dentist. Additionally, swishing with warm saltwater several times a day can help alleviate gum soreness within two weeks. If the discomfort persists or worsens, it may indicate an infection or an ill-fitting crown, and it is advisable to contact your dentist for further evaluation.

Dealing with Tooth Sensitivity

One common side effect of dental crown placement is tooth sensitivity, particularly when consuming hot or cold foods and beverages. This sensitivity may occur due to the removal of small portions of enamel during the crown preparation process. While the crown is designed to insulate the tooth and reduce sensitivity, it may take some time for the tooth to adjust to the crown. This discomfort is temporary and typically lasts for a week or two. Over-the-counter medications can be used to manage tooth sensitivity during this period. It is important to note that if the sensitivity persists or worsens, it is advisable to consult your dentist for further evaluation and potential adjustments to the crown.

Caring for Temporary Crowns

In most cases, patients receive temporary crowns to protect the prepared abutment tooth while waiting for the permanent crown to be fabricated. Temporary crowns require special care as they are more fragile than permanent crowns. During the period when the temporary crown is in place, it is important to avoid certain foods and activities to prevent dislodgement or damage. Sticky or chewy foods should be avoided, as they can cause the temporary crown to come loose. Similarly, biting down on hard foods can lead to fractures or breakage of the temporary crown. It is advisable to chew on the opposite side of the mouth from the temporary crown and to exercise caution while flossing around the crown to prevent dislodgement. If the temporary crown becomes loose or dislodged, it is important to contact your dentist for prompt evaluation and necessary adjustments or replacements.

Maintaining Good Oral Hygiene

Proper oral hygiene is crucial for the longevity and health of your dental crown. While the crown itself is artificial, the underlying tooth supporting it is real and prone to decay. Regular brushing and flossing are essential to keep your gums and teeth healthy. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, paying close attention to the area where the crown meets the gumline. When flossing, slide the floss gently between your teeth, taking care not to lift it forcefully around the crown. Good oral hygiene practices not only preserve your crown but also contribute to overall oral health.

Gradual Return to Normal Diet

After the initial recovery period, you can gradually reintroduce a normal diet, including sticky, chewy, and hard foods. During the first 24 hours after crown placement, it is advisable to avoid extremely hot or cold foods and beverages to allow the cement to fully bond the crown to the abutment tooth. As you become more comfortable chewing with the crown, you can resume eating a wider variety of foods. However, it is important to exercise caution and avoid biting down on extremely hard substances, which can potentially damage the crown.

Avoiding Bad Habits

Certain habits can compromise the integrity of your dental crown and overall oral health. Avoid chewing on hard objects such as ice, pens, or fingernails, as this can lead to fractures or dislodgement of the crown. Additionally, refrain from using your teeth as tools, such as opening bottles or tearing packages. These actions can place unnecessary stress on the crown and increase the risk of damage. If you are a smoker, it is advisable to refrain from smoking for at least 48 hours after the dental crown procedure to allow for proper healing. Smoking can delay the recovery process and increase the risk of complications.

Regular Dental Check-ups

Even with proper care, dental crowns may require occasional adjustments or replacements over time. It is essential to schedule regular check-ups with your dentist to monitor the condition of your crown and overall oral health. Routine dental examinations allow your dentist to identify any issues early on and provide appropriate interventions to maintain the longevity and functionality of your crown.

Picasso Dental Clinic: Your Trusted Dental Care Provider

When it comes to dental crown procedures and post-procedure care, choosing a reputable dental clinic is crucial. Picasso Dental Clinic, located in Vietnam, is a leading dental clinic offering a wide range of dental services to patients from around the world. With a team of experienced professionals and a commitment to personalized care, Picasso Dental Clinic ensures your comfort, safety, and satisfaction throughout the entire treatment process. From routine check-ups to complex procedures such as braces, Invisalign, and full mouth implants, Picasso Dental Clinic is dedicated to providing exceptional dental care to patients of all backgrounds.


The recovery period after a dental crown procedure is relatively short, typically lasting a few days. During this time, it is important to follow post-procedure instructions and take proper care of your dental crown. Maintaining good oral hygiene, avoiding bad habits, and gradually reintroducing a normal diet will contribute to a successful and smooth recovery process. Regular dental check-ups will help ensure the longevity and functionality of your dental crown. With the expertise and personalized care provided by Picasso Dental Clinic, you can rest assured that your dental crown healing time will be optimized, allowing you to enjoy a confident and healthy smile for years to come.

Keywords: dental crown healing time, dental crowns, recovery period, temporary crowns, oral hygiene.