A Beautiful Smile Restored: Dental Implants for a 36-Year-Old Female Patient

Picasso Dental Clinic Vietnam > Picasso Dental Clinic Vietnam Blog > Real-Life Cases > A Beautiful Smile Restored: Dental Implants for a 36-Year-Old Female Patient
Welcome to our dental clinic’s blog, where we share our recent cases and success stories. In this post, we’ll discuss a remarkable case involving a 36-year-old female patient who required dental implants after the extraction of her two front teeth. Our team of skilled dentists ensured a seamless and natural-looking restoration, leaving our patient with a beautiful smile.

Case Overview:

  • Female
  • Age: 36 years old
  • Dental Issues: Two endo-crowns in her front teeth (11, 21) were severely damaged and couldn’t be saved.

Treatment Plan

  • Extraction of the damaged teeth and replacement with dental implants.
  • Temporary Restoration: Two meticulously crafted temporary crowns to maintain aesthetics and function.

The Treatment Journey:

  1. Diagnosis and Recommendation: Upon thorough examination and evaluation, our experienced dentist recommended the extraction of the two severely damaged endo-crowns in the patient’s front teeth. Due to the extent of the damage, dental implants were the best option for restoring the patient’s smile and maintaining oral health.
  2. Preparing for Dental Implants: Before proceeding with the dental implant procedure, our team conducted comprehensive pre-operative assessments. We took X-rays and used state-of-the-art imaging technology to create a precise treatment plan, ensuring optimal results.
  3. Dental Implant Procedure: The dental implant procedure was performed under local anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort. Our skilled oral surgeon placed the titanium implants into the jawbone, providing a stable foundation for the future crowns.
  4. Temporary Crown Placement: To avoid any aesthetic discomfort during the healing phase, our dental artisans meticulously crafted two temporary crowns that resembled the patient’s natural teeth. These temporary restorations allowed her to maintain a normal appearance while waiting for the implants to integrate with the jawbone.
  5. Healing and Osseointegration: The healing process and osseointegration of the dental implants typically take a few months. During this period, the implants naturally fuse with the jawbone, providing a strong and durable support system for the final restorations.
  6. Final Restoration: Once the implants were fully integrated and the healing process completed, our dental team placed the final custom-made crowns. These crowns were designed to match the shape, color, and size of the patient’s surrounding natural teeth, ensuring a seamless and harmonious smile.
  7. Post-Procedure Care and Follow-Up: Following the successful restoration, our patient received comprehensive post-procedure care instructions. Regular follow-up appointments were scheduled to monitor her progress and ensure the long-term success of the dental implants.
  In the case of our 36-year-old female patient, dental implants proved to be an excellent solution for replacing her severely damaged front teeth. The meticulous approach of our dental team, from the extraction to the final restoration, resulted in a natural-looking and feeling smile that our patient can confidently showcase to the world. At our dental clinic, we take pride in restoring smiles and improving the lives of our patients, one successful case at a time. If you have any questions or dental concerns, feel free to contact us. Remember, a beautiful and healthy smile is just a dental visit away!