Kiểm soát nhiễm khuẩn
Kiểm soát nhiễm khuẩn là một trong những quy trình quan trọng nhất trong bất cứ vận hành của Phòng khám hoặc Bệnh viện. Tại Nha Khoa Picasso, chúng tôi tuân thủ theo các tiêu chuẩn nghiêm ngặt nhất từc các Hiệp Hội: Occupational Safety & Health Administration, the Environmental Protection Agency and the Centers for Disease Control.

Rửa tay đúng cách
Rửa tay là một trong những bước đơn giản nhưng quan trọng nhất trong Quá trình kiểm soát lây nhiễm chéo:
- Trước và sau khi điều trị bệnh nhân
- Trước khi rời phòng điều trị/phòng mổ
- Sau khi chạm vào các đồ vật bị nhiễm máu, nước bọt hoặc các chất tiết khác
- Khi tay bị bẩn rõ ràng
- Sau khi tháo găng tay bị rách, đứt hoặc thủng, và trước khi thay găng tay
Khi xử lý các dụng cụ bị nhiễm bẩn để xử lý dụng cụ, luôn đeo găng tay tiện ích. Không bao giờ sử dụng tay trần.
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)
Dental health care personnel (DHCP) are protected against infectious agents by personal protective equipment (PPE). In addition to gloves, face masks, protective eyewear, face shields, and protective clothing (e.g., gowns, jackets, lab coats), PPE can also prevent the spread of microorganisms from DHCP to patients.

Sharps Management
In order to prevent needlestick injuries, and by extension the spread of bloodborne diseases, sharps waste must be disposed of correctly. In the event that contaminated sharps end up in general waste, it is extremely likely that they will come into contact with someone and cause injury, especially if the person handling the waste is not expecting to find sharps in it.
Waste Management
During dental check-ups and appointments, all organic material, and/or material that has come into contact with potentially infected organic liquids, must be collected in special containers, which are usually provided by the waste disposal company, and kept separately from normal waste.
Until it has been collected by the authorised company, the special waste must be kept temporarily in the practice’s storage area.

Thorough Cleaning of Instruments
A thorough cleaning of the used instruments is essential before the sterialization process. Surfaces, crevices, serrations, joints, lumens, instruments, devices, and equipment need to be cleaned to remove visible soil, blood, proteins, microorganisms, and other debris. In this step, items are prepared for safe handling and/or further decontamination. It is achieved by using detergent and water manually.
In Picasso Dental Clinic, we use high-end dental sterilization technology to sterilize metal instruments, mouth mirrors, and forceps that are not single-use items.
The tools are rinsed thoroughly and sterilized with high heat, steam, and pressure in an autoclave. A steam-filled interior is heated to a high temperature and pressure in an autoclave, and this temperature and pressure is held constant for a predetermined amount of time. Moreover, autoclaves create a vacuum that allows water vapor to penetrate difficult-to-access surfaces of the equipment. As a result, bacteria and viruses are killed on the surfaces of anything inside the autoclave.

Book your Appointment today!
Whether you're visiting us for professional teeth cleaning, a routine dental health check or something more extensive, our qualified dentists at Picasso Dental Clinic offer a wide range of comprehensive dental services. It's our aim to be a one-stop dental experience for you and your loved ones.

+84 2473 088 848